Important Notice
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What steps to take after registering:
- Once you are finished entering your information and submitting the form. You will need to login into the email account that you used to sign up and click the verification link. This email will look like the sample email below. Please verify that the email listed is from the website and use caution before clicking any links and contact us if anything seems suspicious (see Image 1 Below).
- After Clicking the Link that verifies your email, you will be directed back to the registration page on the website. You should should see something like what is shown below. (see Image 2 Below).
- Finally note that at this point you will still be unable to access the website until your email is approved internally. When this happens, you will receive an email like the one shown below, again use caution and contact us if something seems wrong. Also Note if you try to login before receiving your approval email you will be directed back to the login page with no message or error code (see Image 3 Below).
Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3: